Pol Spanos
Ryon Chair in Engineering, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA
Blaise Pascal Medal in Engineering | AL7
Professor Spanos is a Caltech alumnus with a Ph.D degree in Applied Mechanics and with minor I in Applied Mathematics and minor II in Business Economics; and with an MS degree in Civil Engineering. Also, he holds a 5-year diploma in Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Sciences for NTU in Athens, Greece. His interests are in the area of dynamical systems with emphasis on probabilistic (risk and reliability), non-linear, and signal-processing aspects; and with applications to structural- , aerospace-, offshore- , bio-, and materials- engineering. He has supervised the MS theses of more than 75 students and the Ph.D. theses of more than 60 students. His research findings have been disseminated in more than 400 papers in archival journals, technical conferences, and industrial reports. He is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, and of the Journal of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics. He is a Distinguished/ Honorary Member of both ASCE and ASME. He is a member of the academies NAE and AAAS (USA); and a corresponding/foreign member of NA/NAE of Hellas, Europe, Canada, China, India, and Russia. He is a Registered Professional Engineer (TX), and a Licensed CE/ME Engineer (GR) His work has been supported by NSF, DOE, ONR, AFOSR, NASA and by many industrial consortia. He has received numerous awards from NSF, ASCE, ASME, IASSAR, and Rice University (teaching prize). Since 1988, he holds the LB Ryon Endowed Chair in Engineering at Rice University in Houston, Texas.