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Scientific Committees
Interim Head of Division: July 2021 - March 2024

Prof. John R. Porter - Denmark
Professor Dr John R Porter is an internationally known agro-ecological scientist with an expertise in ecosystem services in agro-ecosystems, including agro-ecology, simulation modelling and food system ecology including that of cities. His main contribution has been multi-disciplinary and collaborative experimental and modelling work in the response of arable crops, energy crops and complex agro-ecosystems to their environment with an emphasis on climate change, ecosystem services and food systems. He has personally received three international prizes for his research and teaching and three others jointly with his research group. From 2011 to 2014 he led the writing of the critically important chapter for the IPCC 5th Assessment in Working Group 2 on food production systems and food security. He has recently become a member of the inter-disciplinary international working group on post-growth economics and founder member of the Advanced Research Institute at the University of Montpellier, France.
Officer : October 2021 - March 2024

Officer : March 2020 - March 2024
Prof. Antonio Camacho - Spain
Prof. Dr. Antonio Camacho, born in 1965, is Head of Research at the Cavanilles Institute for Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, and Full Professor on Ecology at the University of Valencia (Spain). Currently, his main research and university teaching deal with basic and applied aspects of Aquatic Ecology, especially the functional and microbial ecology of lakes and wetlands, and its interplay with climate change. He performed several research stays in Universities and Research Centres of five continents, and led five multinational Antarctic expeditions. He is co-author of 140 research papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals and books, as well as of 240 papers presented in scientific meetings. He is nowadays the Head of the Earth & Environmental Sciences Division of the European Academy of Sciences, as well as the President of the European Federation for Freshwater Sciences. He obtained several awards, such as the 3M Award on Environmental Innovation, and the SEM Award.
Officer : March 2019 - March 2023
Prof. Jean-Pierre Gattuso - France
Jean-Pierre Gattuso is CNRS Research Professor at the Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche (Sorbonne University)and Associate Scientist at the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI-SciencesPo, Paris). His current research relates to the effects of ocean acidification and warming on marine ecosystems and the services that they provide to society. He also investigates ocean-based solutions to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Jean-Pierre Gattuso led the launch of the Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre at the International Atomic Energy Agency, coedited the first book on ocean acidification (Oxford University Press), and contributed to several IPCC products (AR5, Special Reports on 1.5°C of Warming and on the Ocean and Cryosphere). He received the Vladimir Vernadsky medal of the European Geosciences Union and the Blaise Pascal medal of the European Academy of Sciences, and is an elected member of Academia Europaea. More information:
Officer : March 2019 - March 2023
Prof. Hans Peter Blankholm - Norway
Hans Peter Blankholm is professor in archaeology at UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, since 1994. He got his dr.phil. from the University of Århus, Denmark in 1991. Blankholm’s research interests include comparative hunter-fisher-gatherer archaeology of sub-Arctic and Arctic areas, particularly relating to foodways. His research interests also include the development of analytical methods including multivariate statistics, spatial analysis, GIS, and artificial neural network based predictive modelling. Blankholm has been involved in several major projects, most recently Taking the North into Possession. The Early Settlement of Northern Europe – Economy, Technology and Society. Blankholm is a member of Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques (UISPP) and the Polar Archaeology Network (PAN), of which he was a founding member and chairman from 2006 to 2012, He was awarded one of 2000 outstanding intellectuals of the 21st century by the International Biographical Center, Cambridge, England in 2005.