First International Forum on Advanced Materials and Intelligent Manufacturing 

First International Forum on Advanced Materials and Intelligent Manufacturing 

In the frame of the conference Advanced Materials and Intelligent Manufacturing Forum, organized under the auspicious of the Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, the EurASc delegation composed of the president, the vice president and the heads of Materials, Chemistry and Life Science Divisions met with members of CAS, as well with EurASc fellow, Professor Alan Lau, president of the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong.

During the forum, there was opportunity to introduce EurASc to all attendees, including high-ranking authorities of the university and of the province.

The topics of the talks given by EurASc members were:


  • Responsible electronics beyond silicon (R. Martins);
  • Nanomaterials for Advanced Energy; electronics and Photonics Applications (A. Tressaud); 
  • Metal Ligant cooperativity in molecular chemistry (P. Braunstein); 
  • Intelligent Biomaterials: How nature can be transformed or mimicked for Revolutionary Medical and Energy Applications (D. Scherman);
  • Multifunctional Materials for Emerging Technologies (F. Rosei).

Wree invited a total of 12 academicians from the European Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Chinese Academy of Engineering to participate. They delivered speeches and exchanged views with local industrialists, researchers and engineers on their areas of expertise. Many constructive cooperation ideas and will follow up on to create better synergies between European countries and China.


Inaugural Meeting of Responsive Materials

Inaugural Meeting of Responsive Materials

Professor Rodrigo Martins, President of the European Academy of Sciences will be present in the inaugural meeting that takes place in the Southeast University, Nanjing, China, on 21st July 2023. Professor Martins will also integrate the editorial board that accounts with reputed scientists such as Professor Jean-Marie Lehn, University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France, professor Mark MacLachlan, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, ( and professor John A Rogers, Northwestern University, Evanston, USA, (

Intelligent responsive materials have emerged as a crucial direction in the development of modern high-tech materials, supporting the advancement of future cutting-edge technologies. Responsive Materials, a journal jointly founded by Southeast University and Wiley Press, focuses on various stimuli-responsive functional materials and addresses globally challenging scientific topics in the fields of chemistry, materials science and engineering, energy, environment, medicine, intelligent living, and other emerging areas.

The “International Advanced Materials Symposium (IAMS) and Inaugural Meeting of Responsive Materials is scheduled to be held from 21st to 25th, July, 2023, in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China. The symposium aims to strengthen global collaborations in the field of intelligent responsive materials, promoting academic and technological advancements in this exciting area.

Consult all Speakers HERE

Consult Program HERE

We expect that IAMS will provide a forum for leading chemists, physicists, materials scientists, and junior researchers to present and discuss the most exciting new developments in responsive materials and related fields.