In order to bridge great minds to great promises in the European Research Area (ERA), the European Academy of Sciences has established in 2010 the KEPLER AWARD for European Young Scientists (KEYS). This award has the goal of steering the cooperation of highly talented young scientists in Europe interested in research crossing the borders of disciplines and states. By offering communication and cooperation with its members the interactions between generations is going to be enhanced. The award is co-organized and financially supported by two European institutions, which choose the theme of the award.
One Prize can be attributed per year.

Selection Procedure:
The award is granted to an international team of young graduates, selected in a competition for a workshop covering multidisciplinary topics, planned and organized by the team and yearly selected by Eurasc. It consists of financial and organisational support to run the workshop, supported by the two co-organizing institutions. Further, the proponents of the winning team will be invited to become Kepler fellows of Eurasc for three years, and are expected to take part in scientific activities of the Eurasc.
The institutions interested in organizing a Kepler Prize can contact Eurasc: