First European Conference on Silicon and Silica Based Materials (ec-siliconf1)

Prof. László Gömze A. invites you to the 1st European Conference on Silicon and Silica Based Materials (ec-siliconf1) which will be held at Miskolc-Lillafured (Hungary) in October 7th-11th, 2019.

The peer reviewed and accepted papers of the conference will be published by IOP (United Kingdom) in OPEN ACCESS periodicals Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS).

The participants of the ec-siliconf1 conference have opportunities also to publish their unpublished original manuscripts free of charge in the OPEN ACCES international scientific journalsEpitoanyag – Journal of Silicate based and Composite Materials. Journal Epitoanyag-jsbcm has good Citation Index and are refered by THOMSON REUTERS, INDEX COPERNICUS, Web of Science, ESCI and many others. At present the journal has ISI-Impact Factors 1.079 (see The formal requirements, peer reviewing procces and other informations you can read in the journal website of .

Online registration and abstract submission are available in the conference websites of

The deadline for abstracts submission is June 30th, 2019.