JIN Changqing
Changqing Jin

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Physics Division




Institute of Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOPCAS)

Changqing JIN received Ph.D degree at Institute of Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOPCAS) in 1991 following visiting or Post Doc research in Japan, Europe. He is Team Leader on Quantum Emergent Matters by Design with Synergetic High Pressures since 1996 at IOPCAS.

Changqing JIN jointly discovered many new quantum emergent materials or states initiated through high pressure synthesis or tuning such as (I) superconductors(SC) including Cu12(n-1)n wherein Cu1234 shows 118K Tc at ambient pressure, one of two triple high(high Tc, high Jc & high Hc) SC at ambient pressure in liquid nitrogen region (the other one is classical YBCO123 of 90 K Tc); the “111” iron SC, one of four primary iron based SC systems(the other three are “1111”, “122” & “11”); the calcium polyhydried SC, one of three SC materials with Tc above 200K (the other two are H3S & LaH10); the Scandium SC that is the only element SC rushing into 30K region; (II) the first displacive type ferroelectric multiple ordered perovskite; (III) series of electromagnetic compounds including the diluted magnetic semiconductors with Tc near room temperature. He also contributed much to the advancement of synergetic extreme condition techniques by integrating high pressure with low temperature or high magnetic field that are successfully applied to build up new quantum emergent matters.

Changqing JIN is elected Fellow of European Academy of Sciences(2024), American Physics Society (2014), Institute of Physics of UK (2016), American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (2021). He received Ye QiSun Prize for Condensed Matter Physics of Chinese Physics Society in 2015, the National Award for Natural Science of China in 2016, the Awards for Discoveries of New Materials of Chinese Materials Research Society in 2018 & 2023. He was IUCr Commission Chair for Crystallography of Materials from 2017 to 2023, Vice president of International Association for the Advancement of High Pressure Science & Technology since 2019, the LOC Chair of the 26th International Conference on High Pressure Science & Technology. He jointly published 300+ papers in Nature & other peer reviewed journals. He delivered 100+ Plenary/Keynote/Invited talks in the flagship conferences of physical sciences including AIRAPT, APS, EHPRG, EMRS, GRC, LT, MRS, M2 S etc.

For more details you are welcome to visit team web at "http://uhp.iphy.ac.cn".