Year of Election
Country/Region of working/living
Materials Science Division
Germany / Switzerland
IBM Research Europe – Zurich
Leo Gross is principal research scientist at IBM Research Europe – Zurich and has been with IBM since 2005, where he currently leads the atom- and molecule manipulation group as principal research scientist. He was born in Berlin, Germany and obtained his diploma degree in Physics after studying at FU Berlin, Tulane University, New Orleans, USA and University of Muenster, Germany. He obtained the PhD in physics at FU Berlin in the group of K.-H. Rieder. Leo joined the IBM lab in Zurich in 2005 as a post doc in the group of Gerhard Meyer and became research staff member in 2009. Leo studies single molecules and on-surface reactions by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) at low temperatures. He pioneered atomic and bond-resolved imaging of single molecules using AFM with functionalized tips. He uses AFM and STM for structure elucidation, tip-induced synthesis and for studying single-electron charge-transfer on the atomic and single-molecule scale.