As a tribute to Prof. Gleiter and to celebrate his lifelong contributions in physics and materials science, a workshop covering a wide range of topics will be held on the occasion of his 75th birthday in Karlsruhe from November 14th-15th, 2013.
Distinguished scientists from around the world will join Professor Gleiter in this celebration with a festival of lectures.
A special evening reception in honor of Professor Gleiter′s 75th birthday will be held on November 14th as a part of the workshop.
It would be a great honor to welcome you at this workshop in Karlsruhe.
Partial List of Invited Speakers (confirmed)
Jean-Marie Lehn, Strasbroug
Ke Lu, Shenyang
Ruslan Valiev, Ufa
Jackie Ying, Singapore
Eduard Arzt, Saarbrücken
Reiner Kircheim, Göttingen
Further details will soon be available on the website of the Institute for Nanotechnolgy : www.int.kit.edu
Deadline for the workshop registration : September 15th, 2013
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Nanotechnology
Contact : Birgit Limmer
KIT-Campus North, FTU
Hermann-Von-Helmholtz-Platz, 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
Phone : +49 721-60826350
Fax : +49 721-608-26368
Email : birgit.limmer@kit.edu